Consider Switching To Vinyl When Your Old Aluminum Siding Needs To Be Replaced

30 January 2019
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog


If your aluminum siding is old and in poor shape, you may be trying to decide if you should paint it or replace it. If the aluminum has dents, holes, and other damage, then replacing it is probably the best option so your home is insulated well and protected against water damage. If you're considering replacing your old aluminum siding, then you should think about switching to vinyl when you get new siding installed. Here's why vinyl is often a better choice than aluminum.

Vinyl Doesn't Need To Be Painted

Vinyl needs less maintenance over its life since you don't have to paint it. That means you won't have to deal with chipping or peeling paint either. The vinyl panels aren't painted. Instead, color dye is added when the vinyl is made so the color is part of the material. This ensures the color lasts for many years and you can eliminate the chore of painting. Aluminum needs to be painted periodically, and if you wait too long, the old paint may chip off or peel and increase the amount of work you need to do to get the siding back in good shape.

Vinyl Doesn't Dent Like Aluminum Does

One disadvantage of aluminum is that it dents easily, and it can even develop holes in it. Dents can happen due to hail or when something is thrown against the house during a storm or when your kids play ball. Repairing dents can take a lot of work, and if the dents are widespread as can happen with hail, then the whole siding may need to be replaced. Vinyl has some flexibility to it so if something hits it, the vinyl bounces back to its original shape. If you're tired of looking at your old, dented aluminum panels, then if you switch to vinyl, you can eliminate worries about dents.

Vinyl Is Easy To Keep Clean

Most all siding needs to be cleaned occasionally to get rid of dirt, dust, pollution, pollen stains, and mold. Vinyl is an easy material to clean, even if it's covered with mold or algae. You can use a hose and soapy water or a pressure washer on a low setting and wash the siding occasionally to keep it clean. Stains can be removed with vinyl cleaner. By washing your siding, your home will have a fresh look without all the trouble of painting.

Aluminum was probably a popular choice when it was first applied to your home, but vinyl has gained popularity in more recent years. Vinyl lasts a long time, has an attractive appearance, and is easy to maintain, so it's a good choice when you need to get new siding for your home.