Vital Re-Roofing Tips To Consider To Have A Successful Project

9 September 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog


Most people today confuse re-roofing with roof replacement, thinking that they are the same. This misconception makes most property owners make poor decisions, which cause issues later on. Roof replacement entails removing the entire old roof to install a new one while re-roofing involves adding a new layer on the existing roof. When you know the difference, you can easily plan for the next project.

The primary goal of a re-roofing project is to increase the lifespan of the current roof. It gives you the chance to fix any issues you may have with your roofing without spending a fortune. This comes in handy if you don't have the funds to get new roofing. So, what basic steps should you follow before starting a re-roofing project? Read on to know more.

Determine if you need to re-roof

Given that you will spend substantial funds on this project, it's crucial to verify if you truly need it. You can easily get the confirmation by checking the condition of the roof. Does the roof appear loose, shaggy, or uneven? Do you see traces of discoloration or lots of mold or algae growing on the roof? 

Other signs to look out for include missing tiles, shingles, or nails and problems with the guttering system, caulking, or flashing. Once you identify some of these issues, you should call a roofer to analyze the damage and see if they'll recommend re-roofing.

Know the project cost

Another aspect you need to know before starting your re-roofing project is the cost. Usually, the expenses can be broken down into two main categories: material and labor. Additional factors that affect prices include roof access, house location, roofing materials you buy, roof pitch, roof design, height, and rafter space. 

Your roofer will survey to determine the materials that need to be replaced and create a list. They will also calculate the installation costs depending on the scope of work. This will help you set a realistic budget for your project. 

Choose the roofing products

The materials you'll need for your project will be determined by several factors. This includes the roofing material you used initially, weather conditions, the building's architectural style, and the neighborhood requirements. Discuss these factors with your roofer before you buy the materials. 

Since the expert has examined your house, the climatic conditions, and other vital aspects, they'll be in a position to provide valuable information. They will also discuss issues that are causing the roofing to fail, so they can be fixed. This will ensure the roof lasts longer after the repairs.

For more information, reach out to a local roofing service.